Posts Tagged ‘Cuba’

Reader rift

Posted: January 5, 2012 in Uncategorized
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What do Cuban Santerian priests think about 2012? (Wait, are we taking a global poll here?)

Doing a quick search on Google, you could come away with one of two conclusions:

A. Santeria priests: Doom in 2012!

B. Santeria priests: Year for cataclysms, but it’s not the end of the world

So you probably already know which one The Associated Press distributed – without even clicking on the links – but is it more fun? I know which one would probably draw more page views… After all, Armageddon is big business!

(And, no, I’m not making anything off this blog. Leading my husband to ask, “So why are you doing this?” He also wants me to amend what I wrote about being very skeptical.)

See, two people will read the same information two different ways. Form your own opinion. And, yes, I totally am skeptical. Mostly.